Be Your Own Detective

As a small business owner, solo professional, or even someone managing a busy household, you’ve likely set up many processes and systems to keep things running smoothly. Over time, it’s easy for things to become routine, being done by rote without really paying much attention, which can be a problem, especially as your life and business evolve.

Here are three ways to keep a fresh eye on your work and home routines:

  • Question past decisions: Whether it’s how you manage client communications or organize your household, decisions made 2 or 5 years ago might not fit today. New tools, apps and methods are always being developed. Maybe your business focus has shifted, or perhaps there’s a simpler, more cost-effective solution available for managing something at home. If the reason for a past decision is no longer relevant to the how or why you’re currently doing something, reflection can be a great tool to shift focus and direction for the better.
  • Look closely at what’s right in front of you: The other day, a friend noticed a typo in her PowerPoint presentation that must have been there forever – how could that happen?! Lots of people still don’t have an efficient system for handling recurring bill payments or important document storage.

    To avoid embarrassing or potentially costly predicaments like these, scan the parts of your business or home life you might be making unnecessarily inefficient by taking them for granted. Before giving a presentation or tackling a recurring household task, look at it closely one more time. Check your website, every page, and make sure the buttons and links work as they should. It’s as important as making sure your home monitoring systems are functioning properly, and could save you a lot of stress (and embarrassment) down the road.
  • Shake things up and ask for help: Sometimes we’re too set in our ways to spot the obvious. Why not try a little experiment? Pick one thing you do all the time – maybe how you handle client emails – and do it differently for a week. You might surprise yourself with a better system. And don’t be shy about getting input from others. Fresh eyes can spot things we miss, whether it’s a more efficient way to tackle storage or a smarter approach to scheduling meetings or invoicing. Even if their ideas aren’t a perfect fit, they could spark that “aha!” moment that leads you to your next best thing.

It’s easy to fall into a comfortable groove. That can be a good thing; just make sure to take stock every now and then. Do this, and you’ll continually improve and keep your home and business running smoothly!

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